Treat Yo Self (a Career Change Message for High Achievers)

If there's one thing that high-achievers do well, it's set a high bar. We're outcome-focused, like to exceed expectations, and love crossing things off a list.

Which is why something as big as career change can be confounding. It's long, nebulous, and open-ended.

Which is also why it's so important to celebrate along the way.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret...

Career change is not about the perfect career at the end of the rainbow.

Don't get me wrong, the results can be amazing. I'm over here with a bunch of career changers, next to the pot of gold, ready to hand you a refreshing beverage.

But career change is so much more than an end result.

Career change is actually the process of millions of micro-shifts and baby steps you make along the way. It's about starting to live your life RIGHT NOW, getting honest about what's most important to you, and not accepting any less.

It's through those subtle shifts that you gain confidence, realize just how much you have to offer, and start to see what's possible simply by being more YOU.

I know because I get to witness my clients making these shifts every single week. high-achievers, we're so good at keeping our eye on the prize, we don't stop to recognize how far we've come. As soon as we hit our mark, the goal posts shift. Which makes it a real slog when we're wired to get to the end already.

We create our reality in every single moment. Those moments add up to big change.

The more you honor those moments, the easier it will be to sustain yourself. You'll also have a whole lot more fun along the way.

  • Maybe it's saying no to a job you would've taken 6 months ago.

  • Maybe it's trusting your gut instead of your brain.

  • Maybe it's sending an email you're scared to send.

  • Maybe it's showing up for yourself.

  • Maybe it's deciding to be a Big Fish.

  • Maybe it's taking a good hard look in the mirror at what's not working.

Celebrate! No talking yourself out of it.

It’s so easy to diminish the actions that felt impossible before we did them. It’s so easy to not give ourselves credit for the role we played in our success.

I just finished my taxes and found myself making all sorts of excuses why it wasn't worthy of celebration (Everyone does taxes…It’s no big deal…This is something you should do...etc.)

Taxes are hard. It took several hours of my weekend. I do them five times a year (!) I’m proud that I invest the time to get under the hood and understand my numbers. I'm going to celebrate, darn it!

Celebrate! Toast yourself with your significant other or friend. Give yourself the afternoon off. Write your win on a cupcake or in your latte foam. Buy yourself something pretty. Take a long hot shower. Journal or tell yourself in the mirror how proud you are of yourself (I do this one myself, and it's a game-changer).

Celebrate! It's up to you how you fête yourself. Just do it.

Celebration is the FUEL that refills your tank and propels you to even more success.

I'd love to hear from you. Email me and share what you're celebrating. Extra credit if you include your favorite Treat Yo Self gif.


Author Bio: 

Before becoming a coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.

She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.

The life and career you want is possible once you have the roadmap. Take the first step by downloading your free guide: 4 Steps To Take Back Your Life and Design a Career With Purpose.