Are You Dimming Your Light?
I'm feeling called to speak to something that's been coming up a lot lately.
It's the idea of dimming your light so that you don't outshine others.
Do you ever find yourself self-censoring in meetings? Playing down your accomplishments?
Maybe you agonize over the phrasing of an email. Maybe you don't speak up on a conference call.
Maybe you've been publicly humiliated for making a mistake, told you talk too much, or warned that you need to be more or less [fill in the blank].
These are just a few examples. There are so many others.
We've all been there.
Embedded in all of them is the idea that you're too _____ or not _____ enough. And that somehow the BEST things about you should be tamped down or hidden.
And after repeatedly getting the message, you learn to dim your light in other ways:
You don't wear that designer dress when the little voice says, "Who do you think you are?"
You sit on your idea in fear that it's too "out there."
You stop bringing yourself into the office, the relationship, the conversation...
It's all based on the flawed idea that for you to shine fully, another's light has to dim. This is scarcity mindset. And just not how it works.
There's no finite amount of light. There's no limit to brilliance. We only have to look to the sky to remember that are 200 billion stars getting their shine on together.
Consider the lighthouse: essential for ships to safely navigate. Imagine a ship feeling threatened by the lighthouse's brilliant beacon!
Think of how many lives you make brighter by shining your full light. Your light illuminates them.
What if others are looking to you to set the example that it’s okay to shine?!
How many miss out when you dim your light even a little...just to appease a few captain-less ships that may prefer you take it down a notch?
Consider this: no one’s light gets measurably brighter when you dim yours. It’s darker overall.
The world needs your unique light, so shine on.
Notice where you're eclipsing your brilliance. How might you use it to light the path for others? What's one way you can shine a bit brighter today?

Author Bio:
Before becoming a coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.
She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.
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