What Your Money Mindset Says About Your Career Potential

What your money mindset says about your career potential

Money mindset is one of my *favorite* topics. Why? Because our money beliefs tie directly to our earning potential.

The person who believes she can make millions sees only million-dollar opportunities.

The person who doesn’t believe sees zero million-dollar opportunities.

With a simple belief about how much we can or can't make, we create our earnings trajectory.

But after a certain dollar amount and basic needs are met, our money beliefs are about more than money.

Money Mindset Reveals Our Values

No one wants money just to sleep on a pile of money...although I admit I find this image extremely comforting. 😴

Money is a stand-in for what's most important to us—whether it frees us from worry when we see that our account balance will cover our bills, or pays for a vacation that honors our values of fun, family, and adventure.

It's critical that we unpack our money lens—to maximize our future earnings as well as understand how we view the world.

How Your Money Mindset Impacts Your Career Potential

Your mindset reveals your values, fears, and limiting beliefs about what’s possible for you.

How you view money is how you view the world: how you determine what’s fair, deem valuable, figure out how much is enough.

These definitions are all relative.

And they start with your money mindset.

Your beliefs about money are intertwined with how you view yourself, your relationships, even your potential for happiness and fulfillment.

Let's look at some examples. Do you:

  • Stay in your job so you can afford an expensive vacation --> In what other ways do you look for escapes, quick fixes, or distractions? Where do you rationalize choices that you know deep down don’t feel right?

  • Feel like you have to choose between money and your passions --> Where else do you feel like it's too much to ask for everything you want? In what other ways do you see black and white solutions, neither of which appeals?

  • Avoid investing money in support to get you where you want to go faster (cough cough) --> Where do you tend to go it alone rather than asking for help?

How you do anything is how you do everything.

Do Any Of These Money Beliefs Sound Familiar?

Some people fear money will make them into someone they don't want to be. So they push away abundance in all its forms—compliments, help, love, and happiness.

Some feel like they'll lose important relationships if they make more money. They often hide, play small, and dim their light in other ways.

Some spend money freely on others but not themselves. They tend to put everyone else first and deny themselves in all kinds of ways. Often this is rooted in not seeing themselves as deserving or good enough.

Some want to make as much money now so they can enjoy life “later.” But they stop living for today.

My Risk-Averse “Safety” Mindset

For me, money represented safety and security. So my career and life decisions were all about taking the "safe" route instead of going after what I really wanted.

I redefined how I looked at failure and safety. And transformed my career and life.

I realized the “safe” route was a lot riskier than I’d originally realized. It was detrimental to my health, went completely against my values, and gave all my power to a giant corporation.

Once I realized how risky it was to stay on a path that made me unhealthy, unaligned, and miserable, I started to see how the safe entrepreneurship could be.

I know how to earn and scale my income (no giant corporation needed), I’ve created space to prioritize my health above all else, and I have the freedom to work and live however and wherever I want.

Entrepreneurship became my PATH to more safety. But it is a safety borne of possibility and abundance instead of fear and scarcity.

Money Isn’t the Real Goal

Notice in the example above that the *real goal* was safety.

If you have a thought like, “Once I have x amount of money, then I’ll feel y,” do you see how that pushes off what you truly want (the feeling) into the distant future?

Once I knew the real goal, I realized there were alllll kinds of ways I could create safety for myself well before I amassed the millions of dollars I assumed I’d need to feel safe.

And once I could define actions that felt safe…you guessed it…that’s when I really started to make money.

I invite you to decouple money from the real goal.

We think the goal is money, but it’s the by-product of the real goal: the feeling you associate with having that money.

The Key To Success And Abundance On Your Terms

Money mindset influences us in so. many. ways…

  • Our capacity for fun, abundance, and pleasure.

  • Our tolerance for discomfort and letting circumstances happen to us.

  • Our willingness to settle for anything less than a remarkable life.

You deserve a remarkable life, overflowing with success and abundance as YOU define it.

It begins with developing a successful and abundant money mindset.

Are you ready to supercharge your money mindset and get on the path to an abundant and fulfilling career?

Check out my money mindset course: Easy Money: Master Your Money Mindset.

I created this course because I've seen how critical a money making mindset is to creating a truly fulfilling, prosperous career.

Mastering my money mindset was the key that finally enabled me to leave the corporate grind, start my own business, and create a thriving career around ME.

Author Bio: 

Before becoming a coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.

She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.

The life and career you want is possible once you have the roadmap. Take the first step by downloading your free guide: 4 Steps To Take Back Your Life and Design a Career With Purpose.