"How Do I Make Time To Explore Career Options?"

Want a simple productivity tip that will help you quickly prioritize your most important activities so you can laser-focus on where you really want to go?

This powerful time management strategy will take 5 minutes to watch and maybe 5 minutes to integrate into your day--and the results are PRICELESS.

Are you drowning in your to-do list?

Challenged with finding time and energy to advance your career goals?

Do you struggle with, as one of my friends put it, "navigating the chaos and endless demands of the day-to-day?"

If so, you're not alone. 

Even if you're a boundary-setting pro, how often do you find yourself dealing with:

  • Firedrills

  • Inbox overwhelm

  • Task-switching

  • Code-switching

  • Working AGAINST your natural strengths

  • Reacting to OTHERS' requests

Not only is this exhausting, it makes it all the more CHALLENGING to think creatively and expansively about what you want to do INSTEAD. 

Getting the career you want is not about DOING MORE.

It’s about sustainability and leverage: getting the BEST result with the LEAST amount of work.

Good news: there’s a proven time management method to help you step back and evaluate where your time and energy is BEST spent (ahem…invested).

Check out the video if you’re ready to get out of the weeds and focused on the activities that will give you the biggest lift.

Watch until the end to make sure you're not falling into the trap many of us fall into even when we think we're focusing on the most important goals.

Enjoy, then let me know in the comments what shifted for you.

Author Bio: 

Before becoming a coach, Caroline had a successful career in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go in their careers.

Caroline wants you to recognize how much power you have to define your career. Take the first step by downloading your free 4-step career roadmap.