The Perfect Job...or Too Good to Be True?

It's my job to hold big visions for people until they can see it for themselves. So I'm used to comments like:

  • "It sounds like you're saying there's a perfect job."

  • "That sounds too good to be true."

If you're struggling to get a clear sense of where you're headed, OF COURSE it's hard to believe that the freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment you want is possible.

Especially if you've been drifting for awhile, it can seem particularly polyanna-ish to believe that there are a bunch of amazing options you can't yet see.

The chasm between where you are and where you want to go is filled with FEAR.

It's natural that your brain would want to protect you from leaping headfirst into your fear. But that same impulse keeps you from the very things you want.

There's so much space in between "the perfect job" and the job you have right now.

Writing off a better future as "too good to be true" becomes an excuse to NOT explore that space and NOT change your reality.

The reason a better career feels "too good" is that you're used to feeling bad--believing the broken record of you're too old, you need to start over, you need to take a pay cut...on and on it goes.

Of course there's no perfect job that solves all of your problems. Just like there's no perfect romantic partner or house or city or country or any other silver bullet.

There IS a job that's perfect for YOU--several in fact...Where you do good in the world and make a decent living...Where you feel valued and seen...Where you lead with who you are at your best...Where too good to be true suddenly seems perfectly doable.

Even if you can't check every single box, isn't it worth trying to see how many you can?

I CAN'T offer you the perfect career or life--nor would I want to. I CAN offer you the tools to create a significantly better one that's aligned with what's most important to you.

Helping people see options they couldn't have imagined is kind of my thing.

The first step is being open to explore all of the options in between "perfect" and where you are right now.

If you're ready to uncover them, I'm an email away at