One Thing We Can All Do Right Now

One Thing We Can All Do Right Now.jpg

Yesterday I talked about focusing on the opportunities that are always there but sometimes hard to see through fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.

One BIG opportunity we all have right now is going deep into what's really holding us back from our goals.


Most people try to skip over it and console themselves with their paycheck, or tell themselves they'll have to sacrifice their flexible work schedule, or cling to an article that says networking is dead (it's not), or assume it will all go away once they get the shiny new job.

Don't do it, especially since working from home is now--and will continue to be--the norm. And organizations are quickly showing us whether they're truly as committed to their people as they claim to be. And the entire global workforce is shifting by choice and necessity.

Changing the scenery without addressing why you're reluctant to ask for what you want...or feeling like you can't be yourself...or fearing you won't succeed...or feeling like the only way to succeed is to play a game you have zero interest in a recipe for unhappiness regardless of how cool the job is on paper. 

Now is a GREAT time to work on what's really going on so you can step into your full potential so you can make the next move on your terms so you can be happy and fulfilled once you get there.

There's never a perfect time. Most of the people who have gone after what they really want in their careers will tell you in hindsight that they're glad they did it when they did. Some even say they wish they'd done it sooner.

The bad news is that this work is never really done. The good news is that the more we practice getting honest about what's truly holding us back, it gets easier.

And rather than dread digging into the deeply-held thoughts and beliefs that hold us back, we begin to see their presence for what it is: a sign that we're onto something important.

Our gremlins are loudest when we're about to step into something greater.

So if you're committed to going after something greater in your career and life, email me and tell me what's in your way. 

Seriously, make a list of every single thing that's in your way--internal or external. The longer, the better. Because the name of the game is to know what's really going on. 

Not sure what you want? Not sure that what you want exists? Fear that you'll go after it and fail to get it? Beating yourself up because you should be happy with what you have? Applying for jobs with no reply? Dreading networking?

How about feeling like it's not "responsible" to do this now? Or feeling like you should stick with the safe option?

I've heard it all. I've experienced a lot of it.

Even the things that appear external often have an internal component. Money is a great example.

People will often cite “I can’t afford it” as a reason they can’t take the course, invest in a coach, leave their job to follow their passion, [insert whatever dream or goal they have]—you name it.

But you know that when we really want something and believe that the investment will pay off, we magically find the money. It becomes a no-brainer.

Nothing about our bank balance has changed; we’ve changed the way we view it.

So go ahead, put down the external roadblocks, too. There’s always a way around.

Once you have it down on paper, email me your list. I'll reply with my recommendation. 

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Grab the free guide: 4 Steps to Take Back Your Life and Design a Career with Purpose

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Author Bio: 

Before becoming a coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.

She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.

The life and career you want is possible once you have the roadmap. Take the first step by downloading your free guide: 4 Steps To Take Back Your Life and Design a Career With Purpose.