I Realized I Wanted To Be My Own Boss. And That I Can Be.

I was miserable in my job and I felt stuck. I fell into my career when I was young and worked my way up the ladder to become a VP (while probably shaving years off my life). I couldn’t figure out what my skills translated to, or what other jobs are out were for me.

I left a firm with the intention of doing something different. That job was killing me. I tried traditional job search methods, and it was totally depressing. I ended up back in the same field I tried to leave – hoping for a better outcome. (what’s that Einstein quote… “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”…)

I told myself I could leave in a year if I ended up unhappy, yet nearly 2 years deep there I was – in tears on my way to work probably 3 out of 5 days each week. I wanted a change but I was stuck in the same circular conversation with my friends and family about being miserable and not knowing what to do.

Each coaching call with Caroline was amazing. She would talk me down off the ledge and assure me I was right where I needed to be – and instantly I felt better. I also walked away with an actionable step that helped me move forward, and feel like I was in fact progressing.

I realized I want to be my own boss. And that I can be.

So, I’m going through the yoga teacher training program, and I’m starting my own company.

I’m doing it on my own terms, and in my own way which is going to be pretty unique for my industry. And, I’ll be working from home – and working less.

I can’t say enough great things about Caroline. She’s a fantastic career coach, but also an amazing therapist😊. In all seriousness, I never felt silly for being freaked out, scared, disorganized - you name it. Her approach always made me feel encouraged, and brave enough to keep pushing forward.

— Kristen, Founder, B Corp Employee Benefits Consulting Firm
