Caroline Adams Coaching

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The Key To a Powerful Money Mindset: Thinking Like a CEO

Do you have an employee mindset or a CEO mindset? One of the most powerful money mindset moves you can make RIGHT NOW is to start thinking like a CEO.

Because CEOs use the power of systems. They create leverage.

Think about it.

CEOs surround themselves with "owners" who are responsible for entire businesses and functions.

CEOs aren't experts in most of what they're responsible for.

They DO very little (way too little, IMO, but that's a separate post).

So why are most of us unofficial CEOs running around feeling like we need to be an expert in everything and do all the things?!

Are You Working For Money…Or Making Your Money Work For You?

I remember seeing Robert Kiyosaki's Cash Flow Quadrant and thinking, "Uh oh."

Because he pointed out the limited reach you have as an individual…and the power of building systems that work while you sleep.

I thought I was so smart when I left corporate to start a business.

Until I realized I was running towards a business that only made money if I was turning the crank.

The minute I wanted to take a day off, go on vacation, or <gasp> be sick, the business stopped.

It's a classic example of working for money vs making my money work for me.

Not very CEO-like.

Luckily, I read "Rich Dad Poor Dad" before I stepped into my business full-time, and I realized that being a sole proprietor didn't mean I had to be alone in my business.

The Powerful Shift To Thinking Like a CEO

For the first year in my business, I still had an employee mindset.

I did everything.

And every task felt like it had equal weight and importance.

Know that it's normal to work like this because we've been trained to think like employees and not CEOs.

As I began to think like a CEO, I started identifying opportunities to:

  • Make the wheel BIGGER so I could accomplish MORE with a single turn of the crank

  • Let other people and systems TURN THE CRANK FOR ME

What If You Had a Bigger Wheel?

I was talking to a coaching client the other day.

She'd been holding herself back from a promotion because she's finally found a beautiful work/life balance and assumed a promotion would mean more work and stress.

I asked her, "What if this promotion is actually a bigger wheel?"

Immediately, she started seeing how the promotion would give her access to MORE LEVERAGE...more resources, more decision-making power, more ability to influence the pace and commitments for the whole team, more ability to delegate so she could take her seat at the table with real-life CEOs instead of buried under spreadsheets.

A bigger wheel could help her keep her work/life balance AND extend her reach so she could make an even bigger impact at work.

Maybe a bigger wheel would allow her to step back from work even more by removing herself as the sole turner of the crank.

This is why I say that mindset is 80% of the game. Look at how this simple question flipped a perceived barrier into a mechanism for a new level of abundance.

So, my friend, I invite you to think like a CEO and consider how you might make YOUR wheel bigger.

Imagine your career and life as a wheel and other people are the spokes.

Who can you delegate to or outsource to? Who can you invite in to advocate for you when you’re not in the room? Who can you partner with? What can you automate?

The key to a powerful money mindset? Thinking like a CEO.

Author Bio: 

Before becoming a coach, Caroline worked in management consulting and financial services. She's made it her mission to help people grow, contribute, and get wherever they want to go.

She’s also a tennis fanatic, aspiring Minimalist, FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) enthusiast, and Aloha Spirit seeker 🤙. She loves to share stories from her unconventional life and career focused on freedom, creativity, fun, health, family, and community. If she can do it, you can, too.

The life and career you want really is possible once you have the roadmap. Take the first step by downloading your free 4-step guide.


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